How to Increase RAM in Android Emulators with Google Play Images

When working with Android emulators, particularly those with Google Play Store images, developers often find themselves needing more RAM for better performance. However, the standard method of adjusting RAM through the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager is disabled for these images. Fear not, there’s a workaround involving manual edits to the AVD’s configuration file. This post guides you through the process step-by-step.

Locating the AVD Configuration File

  1. Navigate to the .android Directory:
    First, head to your home directory. On Windows, this is typically C:\Users\<YourUsername>\.android\, and on Linux or macOS, it’s ~/.android/.
  2. Access the AVD Folder:
    Inside the .android directory, look for the avd folder and open it. Here, you’ll find a list of your AVDs.
  3. Select Your AVD Folder:
    Choose the folder named after your AVD, for example, <AVD_Name>.avd.

Editing the config.ini File

  1. Open the File:
    Within the AVD folder, locate and open the config.ini file using your preferred text editor.
  2. Modify the RAM Setting:
    Search for the line starting with hw.ramSize=. If it’s not there, feel free to add it. Change its value to the desired RAM size (in MB), such as hw.ramSize=2048 for 2 GB.
  3. Save Your Changes:
    After editing, save the file and close the editor.

Restarting the Emulator

  1. Close the Running Emulator:
    If your emulator is open, shut it down before proceeding.
  2. Relaunch the Emulator:
    Reopen the emulator via the AVD Manager in Android Studio. Your changes should now be in effect.


This manual method allows for flexibility in managing the resources allocated to your Android emulator, particularly useful for those running emulators with Google Play Store images. As with any manual configuration change, be cautious and back up your original settings before proceeding. Tailoring your emulator’s RAM can lead to a smoother, more efficient development experience.

Additional Notes:

  • Caution: Manual edits come with risks. Always make sure you enter the correct values.
  • Host Machine Limitations: Remember, your host machine’s physical RAM limits the maximum RAM you can allocate without affecting overall system performance.


We hope this guide helps you optimize your Android emulator setup for a better development workflow. If you have any questions or tips of your own, feel free to share them in the comments below!

Tags: #AndroidDevelopment #AndroidEmulator #GooglePlay #AVDManager #TechTips


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